Thursday, 5 April 2012

Hey Guys Im On MSP Right Now Im Making  A New Movie Scared And Lost [1] its going to be soo Amazing.
Hope All you guys on MSP Can watch it.....
How Have you all been Last night was Amazing i was at JLS Great Best NIGHT OF MY LIFE !"...
I've Got a video to show my friend i dont think she beleves me ....BUT  i did go !!!!
Im Going to be aking loads of movies soo please come and watch them.....Luvv Ya Guys <3 !!!


Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Time For A Party On MSP

Hey.....Guys this is a NON Pic blog For Today
Sorry i know Some people dont like reading...but sometimes you JUST need to read sorry
Its time for a party on MSP the last party on MSP that i was at was Little A's and that was 2 months ago.
Come on people get these partys started its the holidays !!!!
People that are on not  MSP Reading my blog Join and add me and start the partys (REMEBER:invite me :) )
i got invited to a party yesterday (Lucky Lily's But then lucky lily went of so i thought it wa cancelled and everybody was at her room pooooor US !!!!!!!

We all luvvv lucky lily And Little A

Lucky Lily Little A Luvvv YA <3

Elena666 PurpleGirl.1 Luvv Ya <3

Lolzzzz Sorry yeesterday Purple Said the funnist thing ....No i cant say it Lolzzzz Its super funny sorry i cant tell you


Whats Happening On MSP !

On MSP everything is happening Movies, Fun ,Shopping, Money, Laughing ,Eating ,Flirting
Msp Has Kinda Changed Well it changes all the time but the background and the CHAT has changed i liked the old Msp i love msp its great make movies become famouse make friends and have fun !!
