Friday, 30 March 2012

4 ppl online come on its the holidays !!!!!!!!!!!
i mean it once i had liek 29 ppl on ...ON A SCHOOL NIGHT
i know your all ready for the holidays well i am and im still up im on msp right NOW !!!
Well Anyway My Hands are reall getting sore i think im gonna go now byeeeeeeeeeee


(P.S Keep on reading my blogs for ever !!!!! PLEASE)
Okay im such a bad person
1. i promised you i would show u a pic of Ruby<3. and i havent
2. I Said to my friend i'd meet her a t morrisons AND i forgot to im so sorry
3. i let my Dog Run out the front door
Okay im gonna show u a pic of her and i will show u just wait it will be at the bottom this time i P.R.O.M.I.S.E

Okay Lets Talk About Something Do you guys like blue coz I LOVE BLUE its my fav colour in the whole wde world so lets stop talking about me lets talk about random things (maybe i need to stop typing My hands are getting sore) Anyway......Today was so weird i said to this boy (i know him) Please dont say u have a water gun so he didint and when i cae back from shawlands (on my own) He HAD a water gun i didnt mean ill ask u when i come back from the shops u shoudl have one ...RANDOM!!!!
And Guess What he shooted water at me and that wasnt the only bad thing....IT WAS FREEZING COLD WATER !!!!!!!!!!! i was like you I HATE YOU

Omg I Hate it when that happens and also i was going up to the park and i had to drag 2 of my friends up there i mean it but then one left so i had to drag on up then i just left her , on her own !

Then i came back home and said ....well thats the day over time for me to go to bed i was soooooooooo tired i mean it having to drag my friends up there , it was SUPER tiring!!!

 Heres that pic of ruby i promised finally i dont have to keep on worrying about it
i meanat home i need to do everything my mums like get me some wine  GET ME SOME WINE!!!!!!
And i said Keep your pants on its coming !!

HEY HEY !!! hey guysss im back with a new blog FOR you all
Heres A Pic of me TODAY !!

I Would Smile But Something has just happen so im really sad at the moment .....Any way My Name Is Aimee934 on MSP You should really add me !! Im Really nice and friendly ill even show YOU how to make a blog for yourself instead of reading mine (but please still read mine everyday)And you should also add Elena666 shes my BFF in real look at this artbook i made of her and me 
